Massive shark more than six meters caught of coast of Sonora Mexico

Massive shark more than six meters caught of coast of Sonora Mexico

Shark size causes a stir in social networks, the size and weight over a ton of the specimen. No authority of Sonora has confirmed this news! You decide!

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HERMOSILLO (Son), April 16. – Although no local authority has confirmed the fact, through various social networks circulate pictures of the capture of an impressive shark was reportedly captured on the beach of ‘Choyudo’ belonging to the municipality which houses the capital of Sonora.

Learned that the shark is between six to seven meters long and weighing over a ton, so it was necessary to use a four wheel drive truck or 4 x 4, plus many people pulling a rope out of the sea to the beach .

According to the commander Matty Francisco Ortega, of the Municipal Civil Protection Unit, some fishermen that match the names of Guadalupe and Baltazar were the ones who caught the shark with his fishing net, but said that neither the Port Authority in the area or the municipal police headquarters, could confirm the capture, which according to comments on social networks, he on Sunday.

The deputy of Natural Resources of the Federal Environmental Protection (Profepa), Sergio Silva Luviano said that this is a great white shark but does not know if it was captured alive or dead, so they begin an investigation because, as sea turtle is a species protected by law, be in danger of extinction.

The federal official refused to confirm the capture, as unit staff to just leave the scene.

Luviano Silva recalled that it is a species that has only recently begun inhabiting this region and barely have reported sightings in the last five years and, that their presence in the Sea of Cortez is directly related to the whales that inhabit the Sonoran Costal area.